What your managers see

A visualisation of the remarkable insights they get into their teams.

Team Aspirations

See who the team members aspire to become, and with whom they share that aspiration.
• Informed performance reviews
• Plan career growth
• Simplified succession planning

Part of the 180 is for staff members to choose their aspiration. Entelechy has a list of 11 typical aspirations in business, and we can add to those according to the client’s requirements.
This section of the dashboard helps a manager to understand who their people aim to become. This helps with planning career growth.
It also enables managers to see who else aims for the same thing, which informs responsibility decisions.
It provides a ‘North Star’ for the employee and manager to orient by during performance reviews.
And it aides management and leadership in succession planning.

Team Character

The strengths and growth opportunities of a manager’s team by category, and ranked in order.
• Team Character visualised
• Easy creation of action plans
• Strategic team building

Managers can see how each category of Character Qualities fares in their team; and within each category, the Qualities listed in order of strength.
This way it’s easy to find the category with the biggest growth opportunity, in order to unite the team for a concerted effort. Similarly, the team can choose to play to their strengths, and work on living, or sharing, their strongest Quality.

Team Mentoring Opportunities

Build interpersonal mentoring relationships within teams easily. Select mentoring pairs by desired Character Qualities, to help achieve company goals.
• Identify hidden mentors
• Build a culture of mentoring
• Empower sharing of unique strengths

Empower every team member to share their strongest Character Qualities by mentoring one another.
Find and develop potential leaders through the AI-generated mentoring relationship network.
Also, if a team member expresses an interest in developing a certain Quality, quickly find who else in the team has that as a strength, and get started.

Team Aspirations

See who the team members aspire to become, and with whom they share that aspiration.
• Informed performance reviews
• Plan career growth
• Simplified succession planning

Part of the 180 is for staff members to choose their aspiration. Entelechy has a list of 11 typical aspirations in business, and we can add to those according to the client’s requirements.
This section of the dashboard helps a manager to understand who their people aim to become. This helps with planning career growth.
It also enables managers to see who else aims for the same thing, which informs responsibility decisions.
It provides a ‘North Star’ for the employee and manager to orient by during performance reviews.
And it aides management and leadership in succession planning.

Team Character

The strengths and growth opportunities of a manager’s team by category, and ranked in order.
• Team Character visualised
• Easy creation of action plans
• Strategic team building

Managers can see how each category of Character Qualities fares in their team; and within each category, the Qualities listed in order of strength.
This way it’s easy to find the category with the biggest growth opportunity, in order to unite the team for a concerted effort. Similarly, the team can choose to play to their strengths, and work on living, or sharing, their strongest Quality.

Team Mentoring Opportunities

Build interpersonal mentoring relationships within teams easily. Select mentoring pairs by desired Character Qualities, to help achieve company goals.
• Identify hidden mentors
• Build a culture of mentoring
• Empower sharing of unique strengths

Empower every team member to share their strongest Character Qualities by mentoring one another.
Find and develop potential leaders through the AI-generated mentoring relationship network.
Also, if a team member expresses an interest in developing a certain Quality, quickly find who else in the team has that as a strength, and get started.


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