Successfully implementing new learning solutions

Creating a learning solution for an Enterprise isn’t as simple as building a tech platform. Creating a package that helps ingrain learning into the organisation is essential.
There is a common refrain you hear nowadays, and it goes something like: “there is an app for that!” And Entelechy certainly has an app to help introduce Character-based learning into any organisation. Yet, if all we did was sell licenses for our app to our clients, our customers would be unlikely to experience the success that we want for them.
We are continually learning what it takes to implement a new learning solution in an organisation. Here are some of our initial conclusions.
Work to find the solution's place in the whole.
Entelechy offers Character-based development, which underpins all other technical, hard, and soft skill training. We help develop the Human that can make something of the opportunities given in this additional learning.
It does mean that we understand we are one tool in the kitbag of an L&D function, so we need to help place our product within the offering.
All clients are different, like all learners. Therefore, we work to personalise the experience of deployment in our consultation conversations. We help to answer questions, such as: when will learners do this learning? How does this integrate with recruitment and appraisal processes? What is the impact data to track?
Create internal ambassadors
Entelechy is a tech solution, though we also offer in-person mentoring over eight weeks. This mentoring is accredited by The Institute of Leadership and Management and comes with a year of membership with TILM.
We offer this training to those people identified by our clients as potential ambassadors for the learning approach. It is vital to have people within the organisation who can champion the initiative with colleagues and be empowered to drive momentum. As part of our mentoring of your ambassadors, we explore how they can deploy Character-based development. We train them to be trainers in situ and guide learners to the app's self-direction.
Activate mission, vision, and values
Most importantly, a learning solution should be consistent with the central mission of a company. Learning solutions can, if deployed appropriately, activate an organisation's mission, vision, and values, making them core to the behaviours of employees.
Therefore, working with our clients to understand the company's Character and exploring how this can be communicated to employees is an integral part of our experience. By identifying organisation-wide priorities, individual training plans within the app can be shaped to these priorities.
Imagine if you identified being creative as a core facet of your company’s Character. Imagine if you had a learning solution that structured learning around this quality. And imagine, if your whole company focused on being more creative or reliable or efficient, how this would impact your results. We believe this focused delivery of our solution is necessary to afford successful implementation.
Only the beginning
We are continually learning. Each conversation with a client is an opportunity to evolve our understanding of implementing our solution in organisations.
Contact us today if you are interested in helping us by starting a conversation.