A simple yet powerful methodology
Develop the innate qualities of your clients.

A coach’s perspective
Watch as our Head of Learning demonstrates the power of the coach’s dashboard.
A character profile
The beautifully curated dashboard uses learning from social media user experience to drive engagement. The graphics and short bursts of text offer insight and challenge and give the client permission to challenge what resonates with them and what doesn’t.
The dashboard represents the patterns in the data, giving an individualised representation of strengths and growth opportunities. Our proprietary algorithm enables us to convey data to the client accurately and helpfully. Try for free.

A powerful diagnostic
A coach can see a cohort view and explore individual client’s dashboards.
An overview of a cohort is a powerful diagnostic of a learning need. It is possible then to design an intervention to support the group in developing this value-driven behaviour.
The individual view is a powerful preparation for conversations and potential themes in those conversations. Try for free.

Structure conversations around the 54 Character Qualities to enable the client to control the discussion.
Guide the client through the stages of Discover, Explore, Action, Reflect, Achieve, demonstrating the journey of professional development.
Learn how to make explicit the growth mindset you are promoting and encourage the client to continue this independently.
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