Unlock unique L&D insights
Meet the learning & development needs of every
employee. Explore individual strengths, growth
opportunities, and goals through the unique lens
of Character.
Improve productivity and impact
"94% of workers said they’d stay at a company longer if their employers invested in their careers."
Discover truly personalised learning
Empower your employees to own their personal development by crafting their own plans and validating them with those they trust.
Deploy targeted interventions
Develop individualised L&D interventions linked to the business' values and mission.
Data-driven learning
Insight reports
Personalised reports and aggregated dashboards, offering actionable insights for every employee.
Define the shared Character of the company. Identify potential interventions.
The briefing
An unrivalled client experience and data insights consultancy.
Personal Development Plans written by your people
For Individuals
The Learner Dashboard collates data from the 180 / 360 Discover surveys. We reveal the Character of every team member and their personal pathways to improvement. This is their Personal Development Plan for work readiness and effectiveness.
For Managers
Gain a comprehensive understanding of your company. Discover employee and team goals and development needs. With valuable insights, you'll be equipped to make informed decisions, driving success.
For Organisations
Collaborate with our world-renowned coaches to analyse data and strategise ways to enhance employee efficiency and effectiveness.
Truly see your people
We are perceptive
Unique insights into the strengths and growth opportunities of every employee.
We are influential
Unlock the power of your internal coaches, and drive engagement with the Character of your team.
We are strategic
Actionable insights within every report, encouraging employee responsibility for improvement.
Start your journey