Playful Insights Everyday
These games were designed to expand your mind while having a good time. You can play by yourself, with a friend or a group of people.
We believe the best insights come naturally, while we enjoy reimagining our world and considering new possibilities.
So, go on, have some fun!

The Oracle
1. Hold the Character Qualities deck face down, think of a situation and pick a random card.
2. Note down three things in which that quality can favour the situation or generate the outcome you want.
3. Look at the words around the quality and use them as an example of behaviours that you could adopt and think of how it could make a difference.
4. Challenge yourself to take a step towards being that quality or behaving that way and note what has changed.
3 Magic Questions
1. Pick a Character Quality that speaks to you, maybe one you would like to be more of. Look at that quality and at the behaviours that surround it, and ask yourself:
2. What would improve in my life if I focused on this quality?
3. What would I do differently if I were better at this quality?
4. What is the first step I can take to achieve this result?
Quality of the Day
1. At the start of each day, look through the cards and choose one Character Quality that you and others will focus on.
2. At the end of each day, produce a Learning Journal entry exploring your experiences.
3. Take a Character Quality and make it your focus for a week or a month, and deep dive into what it takes to demonstrate this quality consistently.
Go Fish!
1. Take a random card from the Character Qualities deck.
2. Make it your mission to be more of that Character Quality for the next 24 hours. Be over the top in your efforts. Your aim is for someone to say: "You are so much more... today!"
3. Make a tally of all the times people notice – compete with your learning buddy to see who can get the most comments.
Make it so!
1. Imagine you are living your dream life right now. Nothing is off limits. And start describing it with "I am an amazing...."
2. Turn over the Character Quality cards one by one and say "Being... has contributed to my amazing life because..."
3. Set aside the 10 cards that seem to be the most important in achieving your amazing life and take some time to reflect how those Qualities could help you right now in achieving that dream.
Pro Tip: Take the visualisation one step further with images, audio or video clips – anything that makes this vision become real to you. Be as detailed as you can, from actions to places, colours, objects, and sounds. The more specific you get, the better.
Your Coaching Journey
1. Lay out the Reflective Question cards in their six colour-coded categories. These categories go in order from 1 – 6.
2. Select one card from each category, choosing the one that feels right to you today. These six question cards will be today's coaching journey.
3. Choose a Character Quality card or randomly pick one from the deck.
4. Go through each question you have chosen, one by one.
5. Record your responses, and decide what action you'll take that day
6. Keep them in your mind throughout the day
7. Reflect in your Learning Journal in the evening on any new insights you've had.
Pro Tip: Work with another person and turn this activity into a coaching conversation. If you are the listener, remember to pay close attention to what the person is saying and at appropriate points ask them "Why?" and "Tell me more". Reflect back what the person speaking has said to you, which basically means summarising and repeating back to them what you believe you heard as the most important ideas they brought up in their responses. Check in with them that you heard correctly and that you haven't missed anything out.
True Colours
1. Go through each Character Quality card and place them in two piles. On your right, 'I'd like to be more of', and on your left, 'I'd like to be less off'.
2. You may find Character Qualities that you think are perfect the way they are. If you do, put them in the middle.
3. Take the "be less of" and the "be more of" piles and think of what that means to you. What Character Qualities are your greatest strengths, and which ones would you like to start developing first and why.
4. Now take the middle pile, look through it and see how they make you feel. Congratulations, those beautiful Qualities are exactly who you are now.
Pro Tip: See the dominant colours on each pile and check their meanings on the joker card.
Dear Younger Me
1. Choose a time when you were much younger, and you didn't know what you know now.
2. Pick a card from the Character Qualities deck and/ or from the Reflective Questions deck.
3. Imagine sitting down and having a coffee with this younger version of you.
4. Find a way to represent the conversation that you and the younger you have about the card you picked. The funnier you make it the better, as humour is a powerful device when we are learning.
Pro Tip: Get creative. Using music, art, video, writing, or any other medium, produce something that captures the essence of this generational conversation with yourself.
The Oracle
1. Hold the Character Qualities deck face down, think of a situation and pick a random card.
2. Note down three things in which that quality can favour the situation or generate the outcome you want.
3. Look at the words around the quality and use them as an example of behaviours that you could adopt and think of how it could make a difference.
4. Challenge yourself to take a step towards being that quality or behaving that way and note what has changed.

3 Magic Questions
1. Pick a Character Quality that speaks to you, maybe one you would like to be more of. Look at that quality and at the behaviours that surround it, and ask yourself:
2. What would improve in my life if I focused on this quality?
3. What would I do differently if I were better at this quality?
4. What is the first step I can take to achieve this result?

Quality of the Day
1. At the start of each day, look through the cards and choose one Character Quality that you and others will focus on.
2. At the end of each day, produce a Learning Journal entry exploring your experiences.
3. Take a Character Quality and make it your focus for a week or a month, and deep dive into what it takes to demonstrate this quality consistently.

Go Fish!
1. Take a random card from the Character Qualities deck.
2. Make it your mission to be more of that Character Quality for the next 24 hours. Be over the top in your efforts. Your aim is for someone to say: "You are so much more... today!"
3. Make a tally of all the times people notice – compete with your learning buddy to see who can get the most comments.

Make it so!
1. Imagine you are living your dream life right now. Nothing is off limits. And start describing it with "I am an amazing...."
2. Turn over the Character Quality cards one by one and say "Being... has contributed to my amazing life because..."
3. Set aside the 10 cards that seem to be the most important in achieving your amazing life and take some time to reflect how those Qualities could help you right now in achieving that dream.
Pro Tip: Take the visualisation one step further with images, audio or video clips – anything that makes this vision become real to you. Be as detailed as you can, from actions to places, colours, objects, and sounds. The more specific you get, the better.

Your Coaching Journey
1. Lay out the Reflective Question cards in their six colour-coded categories. These categories go in order from 1 – 6.
2. Select one card from each category, choosing the one that feels right to you today. These six question cards will be today's coaching journey.
3. Choose a Character Quality card or randomly pick one from the deck.
4. Go through each question you have chosen, one by one.
5. Record your responses, and decide what action you'll take that day
6. Keep them in your mind throughout the day
7. Reflect in your Learning Journal in the evening on any new insights you've had.
Pro Tip: Work with another person and turn this activity into a coaching conversation. If you are the listener, remember to pay close attention to what the person is saying and at appropriate points ask them "Why?" and "Tell me more". Reflect back what the person speaking has said to you, which basically means summarising and repeating back to them what you believe you heard as the most important ideas they brought up in their responses. Check in with them that you heard correctly and that you haven't missed anything out.

True Colours
1. Go through each Character Quality card and place them in two piles. On your right, 'I'd like to be more of', and on your left, 'I'd like to be less off'.
2. You may find Character Qualities that you think are perfect the way they are. If you do, put them in the middle.
3. Take the "be less of" and the "be more of" piles and think of what that means to you. What Character Qualities are your greatest strengths, and which ones would you like to start developing first and why.
4. Now take the middle pile, look through it and see how they make you feel. Congratulations, those beautiful Qualities are exactly who you are now.
Pro Tip: See the dominant colours on each pile and check their meanings on the joker card.

Dear Younger Me
1. Choose a time when you were much younger, and you didn't know what you know now.
2. Pick a card from the Character Qualities deck and/ or from the Reflective Questions deck.
3. Imagine sitting down and having a coffee with this younger version of you.
4. Find a way to represent the conversation that you and the younger you have about the card you picked. The funnier you make it the better, as humour is a powerful device when we are learning.
Pro Tip: Get creative. Using music, art, video, writing, or any other medium, produce something that captures the essence of this generational conversation with yourself.

Instant Coach
1. If you want to impress someone, 'play coach' with them and see where the conversation goes.
2. Hand the Character Qualities deck and ask them to shuffle the cards while thinking about their life or a particular situation.
3. Take the pile, cut it, spread the cards face down and ask them to pick one at random and keep it. (They can show it.)
4. Now, shuffle the Reflective Questions deck while focusing on being insightful. Spread the cards face down and ask them to pick three cards for you.
5. Ask them the questions, one at a time, and see what new insights they bring to both of you.
6. Decide on some action steps that you will both take, and decide by when you'll check in with each other again to keep each other accountable.
Pro Tip: If you know all 54 Qualities well, try to guess which card your guest has picked instead of having them show it to you at the start.
Sorting Me and You
1. Choose all the Character Qualities from the deck that are a strength of your partnership or group. You must agree.
2. Choose all the Character Qualities from the deck that need some work in your partnership or group. You must agree.
3. Create a pile of cards where there is disagreement. Negotiate them into the appropriate pile.
4. Choose one from the strength pile and come up with a way you are going to use this to superpower relationships.
5. Choose one from the needs work pile and come up with an action plan for turning this into a strength.
6. To keep yourselves accountable, set a date by when you'll review your progress together.
Pro Tip: Using two decks of the Character Quality cards play a version of "Mr and Mrs" – or "Mr and Mr" – or "Ms and Ms" – or "They and They".
Without discussing with the other person, choose the Character Qualities that are a strength in your relationship and the Character Qualities that need some work. Then, see how many cards match, and discuss.
Be My Mentor
1. Each player picks a card from the deck and agrees to teach the others something about this Character Quality from their perspective. Give them a few minutes to prepare a story or experience they can share.
2. Go around the group and hear the stories and experiences of the group on the Character Quality picked from the deck.
3. Each participant is allowed to ask one question of the others in the activity.
Pro Tip: Becoming a teacher is a powerful tool for learning. If you want to encourage deeper insights and reflection, you may want to give them a few days to prepare something more interactive and engaging. The group can then inspire curiosity in the others through their teaching.
Current Affairs
1. You will need: Items from the daily news
2. Together decide on one story from the news on the day you are talking to discuss. Explore what interests you about this story.
3. Sort the Character Qualities cards into those qualities demonstrated in the article and those needed to avoid or reshape future events.
4. Put together the advice you would give to one of the participants in the news story, who would benefit from some character development. You might want to pretend you are an old-style agony aunt or social media influencer producing a TikTok video.
5. NB If you do not want to make it quite serious, take the plot lines of your favourite films instead of using news items. What could Hans Solo have done to avoid being made into a wall plaque by Jabba the Hutt? What was the root cause of the vampires versus werewolves' rivalry that plagued the love life of Bella and Edward?
Pro Tip: Write an email to the people involved, offering your comments and practical guidance. Be brave – send the email if the people exist.
100 Outcomes
1. You will need a timer.
2. The goal is to make a list of 100 things that could happen as a consequence of developing 1 Character Quality. There are no rules of what they could be, as long as they are true for whoever writes them down.
3. Shuffle the Character Qualities deck and pick one random card
4. Set your timer for 60 seconds.
5. The player with the most extended list wins.
6. Repeat with the next Character Quality
7. If a player reaches 100 consequences in 60 seconds wins a jackpot* defined by the group in the beginning.
Pro tip: You can define the difficulty level by increasing or decreasing timings and the number of outcomes.
*And they may even win a gift from Entelechy by submitting the list/photo of the list and the associated quality to [email protected] with the subject: "100 Outcomes Jackpot."
Q or Consequence
1. This is the game where your imagination can run wild, and Character Qualities can be life savers.
2. Shuffle the deck and distribute five cards per player.
3. Player 1 poses a scenario: it can be challenging, odd, extreme, far-fetched, or simply a real-life situation where you need some advice.
4. The following players, in turn, select the best Character Quality from their cards to deal with the situation and explain.
5. Each player can reply normally, tell a story or role play. The best answer wins.
6. The parameter for 'Best answer' is decided by the group (or player 1) at the beginning of the game.
Pro Tip: You can use Character Qualities as categories for winning answers:
"The most *Q answer" = *Creative, *Humorous, *Wise, *Practical, *Openminded, etc.
Rolling Roles
1. Shuffle the deck and layout two random cards on the table, side-by-side, face up.
2. Each of the other players will name a professional role for which those two qualities are essential (e.g., Reliable + Accountable = Heart surgeon; F1 mechanic, etc.).
3. Player one selects the most convincing answer.
4. The player who wins the round collects the two cards, lays out two new ones and picks the following favourite answer.
5. The winner is the player who collected most cards when the deck is finished.
Pro Tip: You can up the game by laying out more than 2 Qualities at a time.
Variation: You can choose to keep naming roles around the whole group (or pass if you can't), and the last player standing wins the round.
Play Creatively
1. Make up the rules of a board game for use with the Character Qualities deck of cards.
2. Create the board and the pieces to play the game.
3. Create the game name and brand, making sure you market this game to your audience.
4. Play the game.
Pro Tip: Swap games with other groups, play and critique. Come up with the best version of a game from all the ideas presented. Submit your games to us at [email protected], and we will publish (and reward) the best!
Instant Coach
1. If you want to impress someone, 'play coach' with them and see where the conversation goes.
2. Hand the Character Qualities deck and ask them to shuffle the cards while thinking about their life or a particular situation.
3. Take the pile, cut it, spread the cards face down and ask them to pick one at random and keep it. (They can show it.)
4. Now, shuffle the Reflective Questions deck while focusing on being insightful. Spread the cards face down and ask them to pick three cards for you.
5. Ask them the questions, one at a time, and see what new insights they bring to both of you.
6. Decide on some action steps that you will both take, and decide by when you'll check in with each other again to keep each other accountable.
Pro Tip: If you know all 54 Qualities well, try to guess which card your guest has picked instead of having them show it to you at the start.

Sorting Me and You
1. Choose all the Character Qualities from the deck that are a strength of your partnership or group. You must agree.
2. Choose all the Character Qualities from the deck that need some work in your partnership or group. You must agree.
3. Create a pile of cards where there is disagreement. Negotiate them into the appropriate pile.
4. Choose one from the strength pile and come up with a way you are going to use this to superpower relationships.
5. Choose one from the needs work pile and come up with an action plan for turning this into a strength.
6. To keep yourselves accountable, set a date by when you'll review your progress together.
Pro Tip: Using two decks of the Character Quality cards play a version of "Mr and Mrs" – or "Mr and Mr" – or "Ms and Ms" – or "They and They".
Without discussing with the other person, choose the Character Qualities that are a strength in your relationship and the Character Qualities that need some work. Then, see how many cards match, and discuss.

Be My Mentor
1. Each player picks a card from the deck and agrees to teach the others something about this Character Quality from their perspective. Give them a few minutes to prepare a story or experience they can share.
2. Go around the group and hear the stories and experiences of the group on the Character Quality picked from the deck.
3. Each participant is allowed to ask one question of the others in the activity.
Pro Tip: Becoming a teacher is a powerful tool for learning. If you want to encourage deeper insights and reflection, you may want to give them a few days to prepare something more interactive and engaging. The group can then inspire curiosity in the others through their teaching.

Current Affairs
1. You will need: Items from the daily news
2. Together decide on one story from the news on the day you are talking to discuss. Explore what interests you about this story.
3. Sort the Character Qualities cards into those qualities demonstrated in the article and those needed to avoid or reshape future events.
4. Put together the advice you would give to one of the participants in the news story, who would benefit from some character development. You might want to pretend you are an old-style agony aunt or social media influencer producing a TikTok video.
5. NB If you do not want to make it quite serious, take the plot lines of your favourite films instead of using news items. What could Hans Solo have done to avoid being made into a wall plaque by Jabba the Hutt? What was the root cause of the vampires versus werewolves' rivalry that plagued the love life of Bella and Edward?
Pro Tip: Write an email to the people involved, offering your comments and practical guidance. Be brave – send the email if the people exist.

100 Outcomes
1. You will need a timer.
2. The goal is to make a list of 100 things that could happen as a consequence of developing 1 Character Quality. There are no rules of what they could be, as long as they are true for whoever writes them down.
3. Shuffle the Character Qualities deck and pick one random card
4. Set your timer for 60 seconds.
5. The player with the most extended list wins.
6. Repeat with the next Character Quality
7. If a player reaches 100 consequences in 60 seconds wins a jackpot* defined by the group in the beginning.
Pro tip: You can define the difficulty level by increasing or decreasing timings and the number of outcomes.
*And they may even win a gift from Entelechy by submitting the list/photo of the list and the associated quality to [email protected] with the subject: "100 Outcomes Jackpot."

Q or Consequence
1. This is the game where your imagination can run wild, and Character Qualities can be life savers.
2. Shuffle the deck and distribute five cards per player.
3. Player 1 poses a scenario: it can be challenging, odd, extreme, far-fetched, or simply a real-life situation where you need some advice.
4. The following players, in turn, select the best Character Quality from their cards to deal with the situation and explain.
5. Each player can reply normally, tell a story or role play. The best answer wins.
6. The parameter for 'Best answer' is decided by the group (or player 1) at the beginning of the game.
Pro Tip: You can use Character Qualities as categories for winning answers:
"The most *Q answer" = *Creative, *Humorous, *Wise, *Practical, *Openminded, etc.

Rolling Roles
1. Shuffle the deck and layout two random cards on the table, side-by-side, face up.
2. Each of the other players will name a professional role for which those two qualities are essential (e.g., Reliable + Accountable = Heart surgeon; F1 mechanic, etc.).
3. Player one selects the most convincing answer.
4. The player who wins the round collects the two cards, lays out two new ones and picks the following favourite answer.
5. The winner is the player who collected most cards when the deck is finished.
Pro Tip: You can up the game by laying out more than 2 Qualities at a time.
Variation: You can choose to keep naming roles around the whole group (or pass if you can't), and the last player standing wins the round.

Play Creatively
1. Make up the rules of a board game for use with the Character Qualities deck of cards.
2. Create the board and the pieces to play the game.
3. Create the game name and brand, making sure you market this game to your audience.
4. Play the game.
Pro Tip: Swap games with other groups, play and critique. Come up with the best version of a game from all the ideas presented. Submit your games to us at [email protected], and we will publish (and reward) the best!

Submit your games and we
will publish and reward the best!