Maximise leadership potential
Discover your leaders' Character and develop their
ability to inspire for greater productivity and

Empower future leaders
"Participants who underwent leadership training improved their learning capacity by 25% and their performance by 20%."

Nurture & retain leaders
Promoting personal and professional growth ensures home-grown leaders and retains institutional memory.

A full client experience
Insight reports
Personalised reports and aggregated dashboards offer leaders actionable insights.
Explore how to evolve and lead a Company of Character.
The briefing
An unrivalled client experience and data insights consultancy.

Unmatched actionable insight
For Individual
The learner dashboard collates data from the 180 / 360 Discover surveys. We reveal the Character of your leaders and their personal pathways to improvement.
For Managers
Our manager dashboard aggregates all data. Using data science, we formulate the patterns and stories that can drive action and genuine impact.
Work with our world-leading coaches to uncover the Character of your company. Encourage leaders to deliver a culture that aligns behaviours and encourages personal accountability.

Leveraging leadership experience
We are wise
Founded on the experiences of the world’s leading CEO mentor.
We are pioneering
Addressing the missing ingredient of powerful leadership: Character.
We are authentic
8 billion report combinations, one for every person on the planet.
Start your journey