We are proud to have been accredited by The Institute of Leadership and Management.

We are proud to have been accredited by The Institute of Leadership and Management, emphasising the quality of our framework and experience to release potential.

Leadership requires Character. Leaders need to bring human qualities to their role more than any technical ability and practical skill. Too often, an individual rises through the ranks based on their proficiency and talent at the work done but cannot organise and inspire others to do the same.

Think of an engineer in the workshop making intelligent decisions that make you money. She deserves a promotion, so you promote her and task her with inspiring other engineers. While she had the discipline and vision to shape her work, she lacked the Character to appreciate how to help others deliver the same. You have lost the talent in the workshop, and you have an ineffective leader.

It is a simple example, and still one that resonates in so many organisations.

How Entelechy can help

There are two ways that the Entelechy framework and experience shape leaders.

  1. We help the leader understand the Character required to become a leader of people and manager of systems. It requires interpersonal qualities such as compassion, empathy, and the ability to nurture, be calm, and encourage.
  2. We empower the leader with methods to draw out their personal qualities and guide their team to be their best.

It isn’t disruptive to work on soft skills; it is innovative to work on the underpinning Character Qualities and to empower the learner with the methods to continue the journey.

The vision of The Institute

It was a risk for Entelechy to apply for accreditation from The Institute of Leadership and Management. We are not a traditional course that offers content or classroom-based delivery of concepts and models.

We challenged The Institute to see beyond the old paradigm of leadership training, encouraging them to see that the development of the person means the creation of the leader. We persuaded them that the best way to create a leader is to empower them to unlock the potential in their team.

We are grateful they took the time to discuss and debate our offer.

We have now been accredited by the Institute and couldn’t be more proud.

What does this mean for Entelechy learners?

When a large organisation commits to working with Entelechy, we offer a mentoring programme as part of our consultancy offer. When your leaders, or aspiring leaders, go through this mentoring programme, they will be certified by The Institute of Leadership and Management. They will also receive a year of free membership, gaining an opportunity to engage in more leadership and management training.

Contact us today if you would like to discuss our framework and experience. Develop the people who can deliver the talent retention and growth your organisation needs.