What Gen Z and Millennials are looking for

Deloitte and McKinsey published survey results about Gen Z and Millennials. It’s clear our market is demanding everything that we have to offer.
It is exciting to have a vision for learning and read report after report that reveals your market is waiting for you. There is so much evidence that 18 – 24-year-olds seek a learning mode that allows them to become their best self and empower them to shape a better world.
Better selves
The transformation challenge on Tik Tok has proven that this generation is looking to become their better self as they turn the trials of maturity and puberty into activism. If you are not convinced that people want to better themselves, then head over to the social media site, check out #transformation, and note the 31.2 billion views of the different videos posted.
When the trend to “glow up” might be focused on physical appearance, Gen Z is far from superficial. Look beyond your expectations, and you will see a generation of young people determined to do better than the generations that came before.
Our market is waiting to become the wise mentors that it feels the world lacks. We can show them that these mentors are excited to guide a generation passionate about being better.
Better learners
McKinsey in 2018 pinpointed Gen Z as the market waiting for a solution offered by Entelechy. Not only is Gen Z the most educated generation so far, staying in learning for much longer, but they are also more capable than any other at drawing information from multiple sources to form a view of what to do next.
The report from McKinsey noted that “Gen Zers, with vast amounts of information at their disposal, are more pragmatic and analytical about their decisions.”
Hyper-cognition is a double-edged sword, as Gen Zs struggle to find focus in a world that bombards their senses. Yet, it also means this generation is more capable than any other of scouring the resources that already exist to find truth; hence they are known as the “True Gen”.
So, what is our market waiting for?
They are waiting for a system that guides them in unpicking the overwhelming weight of knowledge and information available on the internet. The world needs critical and evaluative consumers of information, people who can discern credibility and bias and seek opposing views to see what overlaps as a potential truth.
We take this responsibility very seriously. We guide our learners to use what content is available in the world already with purpose. More importantly, we encourage intellectual and emotional intelligence when dealing with the constant stream of incoming data from the world.
Better planet
Deloitte, in its 2021 survey of millennials and Gen Z, concluded:
“In a time of crisis, younger generations hold true to their ideals and demand accountability.”
While the pandemic may have left the younger generations battered and bruised, optimism has been replaced by a determination to make change happen in our world. Yet rather than sinking into gloom and recrimination, our market has shown the character we know that they value. With resilience and vision, millennials and Gen Z are looking to make us all accountable for the issues we face.
As Michele Parmelee of Deloitte summarises, this group are looking for “a better planet, a fairer system, a kinder planet.”
The people who most benefit from our product is looking to develop the character needed to better our world. We offer a model of character-based development, with bitesize chunks of learning and a journey that becomes a habit for a lifelong pursuit of personal improvement.
A company with values
What is most exciting for the Entelechy team is that our community is looking for ethical and value-driven organisations. Everything we strive to achieve is founded on the principles of making the world better. We are reaching out to towns that need help to regenerate and international organisations to seek a common understanding of character. We have big dreams about how we can contribute to a solution for the world’s problems – and this is why we know our market is waiting for us.
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