

Part mentor, part executive assistant, and part influencer, our practitioners work in a team to consult on the process of becoming a Company of Character.

£750per day

What to expect

We will help with everything from logistics to practical advice; from interpreting the insights generated to providing media, marketing, and other content.

Our practitioners will form a team to function as an extension of your organisation, to facilitate unleashing the power of Character.

The number of consulting days required will depend on the size of your organisation, and are billed separately from the solution price per person.

Our role

We will perform the roles of:

- mentor to empower and inspire your leaders and ambassadors.

- executive assistant, to ensure timely communications, arrange all meeting logistics, and provide technical support.

- coach to train your ambassadors in workshops and core briefings

- guide to enable your team to interpret and action their learnings.

The one thing we cannot do is make the change for you.

Expert Consulting

Practitioners of practical solutions

Experienced guides

We are experts in mentoring, coaching, and learning, with a combined experience of more than 100 years.

Our philosophy is to empower your people to be practitioners of our methodology.

Award-winning experience

Our practitioners bring experience and accreditation from the Learning Performance Institute, CIPD, NCFE, and The Institute of Leadership.

Character methodology

The Entelechy Character methodology was developed with the support of hundreds of industry experts in personal and professional development.

The experts

Meet our practitioners

About Entelechy

Entelechy takes learners beyond doing the right thing to comply with a set of professional behaviour standards. Instead, they develop their character so that decision-making is guided by inner virtue.

- Association of Character Education
Develop your Character

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